

a team profile was created

Payload Example(s) (generated)

  "topic": "realestate/profile#teamdelete",
  "data": {
    "type": "DeleteAction",
    "object": {
      "type": "RealEstateTeam",
      "address": {
        "type": "PostalAddress",
        "streetAddress": "1007 Mountain Gate Rd",
        "postOfficeBoxNumber": "Box 1234",
        "addressRegion": "NJ",
        "addressLocality": "Gotham City",
        "postalCode": "10010",
        "addressCountry": "CA",
        "addressCounty": "string",
        "addressSubdivision": "Gotham Heights"
      "availableLanguage": [
          "type": "Language",
          "name": "English",
          "additionalName": "en-us"
      "branchCode": "for BHHS profile events, see additionalProperty.OfficeId",
      "certification": [
          "type": "Certification",
          "name": "e-Agent Certified",
          "issuedBy": {
            "type": "RealEstateOrganization",
            "id": "",
            "name": "Gotham City Real Estate"
          "issuedTo": {
            "type": "RealEstateAgent",
            "id": "",
            "name": "string"
      "contactPoint": [
          "type": "ContactPoint",
          "name": "Work",
          "telephone": "555-555-5555",
          "faxNumber": "555-555-5555",
          "email": "",
          "url": ""
      "email": "",
      "faxNumber": "string",
      "image": [
          "type": "ImageObject",
          "@id": "",
          "id": "",
          "name": "image.jpg",
          "encodingFormat": "image/jpeg",
          "about": "",
          "url": ""
      "logo": [
          "type": "DigitalDocument",
          "id": "",
          "name": "",
          "encodingFormat": "application/zip",
          "about": {
            "type": "RealEstateTransaction",
            "identifier": {
              "bmsTransactionId": "xxxx"
          "url": ""
      "name": "string",
      "parentOrganization": [
      "subOrganization": [
      "telephone": "+15558675309",
      "url": "",
      "areaServed": {
        "type": "PostalCode",
        "postalCode": "91371",
        "addressLocality": "Woodland Hills",
        "addressCounty": "Los Angeles",
        "addressRegion": "CA",
        "addressCountry": "US"
      "description": "The number on Gotham City Real Estate Company since 1940",
      "member": [
          "type": "RealEstateTeamMembership",
          "roleName": "TeamMember",
          "memberOf": "https://{team-id}",
          "member": "https://{agent}",
          "startDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"


topicstringconst ("realestate/profile#teamdelete")
data.typestringconst ("DeleteAction")
data.object.0 (allOf item)--
data.object.1 (allOf item)object-
data.object.1.addressobjectA physical address.
data.object.1.address.typestringconst ("PostalAddress")
data.object.1.address.streetAddressstringthe street address <= 75 characters
data.object.1.address.postOfficeBoxNumberstringThe post office box number for PO box addresses.
data.object.1.address.addressRegionstringabbreviated state or province
data.object.1.address.addressLocalitystringCity, Township. <= 50 characters
data.object.1.address.postalCodestringZip/Post Code <= 12 characters
data.object.1.address.addressCountrystringallowed ("CA", "DE", "GR", "IN", "IT", "MX", "PE", "PT", "ES", "AE", "GB", "US") two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
data.object.1.address.addressSubdivisionstringthe subdivision or neighborhood (us real estate extension)
data.object.1.availableLanguagearray<object>Please use one of the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard.
data.object.1.availableLanguage.typestringconst ("Language")
data.object.1.availableLanguage.namestringthe display name of the language
data.object.1.availableLanguage.additionalNamestringBCP 47 language code
data.object.1.branchCodestringA short textual code that uniquely identifies a place of business.
data.object.1.certificationtuple<object, ...optional<any>>certifications granted to a person or organization
data.object.1.certification.0 (index)objectA certification issued by an organization to an individual or business.
data.object.1.certification.0.typestringallowed ("Certification") Certification
data.object.1.certification.0.namestringthe name of the Certification
data.object.1.certification.0.issuedByobjectthe issuing authority
data.object.1.certification.0.issuedBy.typestringallowed ("RealEstateOrganization") The item type (Linked-Data @type)
data.object.1.certification.0.issuedBy.idstringLinked-Data URI (@id) format (uri)
data.object.1.certification.0.issuedBy.namestringname of the issuing organization
data.object.1.certification.0.issuedToobjectthe subject
data.object.1.certification.0.issuedTo.typestringallowed ("RealEstateAgent") The item type (Linked-Data @type)
data.object.1.certification.0.issuedTo.idstringLinked-Data URI (@id) format (uri)
data.object.1.contactPointarray<object>a named point of contact - telephone, email, faxNumber, and/or url for the entity
data.object.1.contactPoint.typestringconst ("ContactPoint")
data.object.1.contactPoint.namestringa label for the contactPoint, i.e. 'Work', or 'Home'
data.object.1.contactPoint.emailstringan email address for the item. format (email)
data.object.1.contactPoint.urlstringprimary URL for the item. format (uri)
data.object.1.emailstringa valid email address format (email)
data.object.1.faxNumberstringDo people still use fax machines?
data.object.1.imagetuple<object allOf, ...optional<any>>an ImageObject or URI reference to an image on the web.
data.object.1.image.0 (index)object allOf-
data.object.1.image.0.0 (allOf item)allOfan image, video or document availble for download
data.object.1.image.0.0.0 (allOf item)object-
data.object.1.image.0.0.0.typestringThe item type (Linked-Data @type) pattern (^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+$)
data.object.1.image.0.0.0.@idstringthe liked data uri for the Thing format (uri)
data.object.1.image.0.0.0 (property names)-pattern (^[a-z@$][a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$)
data.object.1.image.0.0.1 (allOf item)--
data.object.1.image.0.0.1.typestringallowed ("MediaObject", "ImageObject", "DigitalDocument")
data.object.1.image.0.0.1.idstringthe URL to access the item. format (uri)
data.object.1.image.0.0.1.namestringthe file name of the object.
data.object.1.image.0.0.1.encodingFormatstringMIME type
data.object.1.image.0.0.1.aboutstringURI to the subject of the image or logo format (uri)
data.object.1.image.0.0.1.urlstringURL of the image content format (uri)
data.object.1.image.0.1 (allOf item)--
data.object.1.image.0.1.typestringallowed ("ImageObject")
data.object.1.logo.typestringallowed ("DigitalDocument")
data.object.1.logo.namestringdocument name or title
data.object.1.logo.encodingFormatstringISO Media Type
data.object.1.logo.aboutobjectsubject of the Document
data.object.1.logo.urlstringpublic URL of the object
data.object.1.parentOrganizationarray<string>organizations of which this org is a part.
data.object.1.parentOrganization (single item)stringformat (uri)
data.object.1.subOrganizationarray<string>child organizations of the organization
data.object.1.subOrganization (single item)stringformat (uri)
data.object.1.telephonestringPrimary phone number.
data.object.1.urlstringURL of the item. format (uri)
data.object.2 (allOf item)-A real estate team.
data.object.2.typestringallowed ("RealEstateTeam") RealEstateTeam
data.object.2.areaServedobjectthe physical areas that make up the ServiceArea
data.object.2.descriptionstringdescription of the item.
data.object.2.parentOrganizationarray<string>A franchisor or affiliate network of which this organization plays a membership role.
data.object.2.parentOrganization (single item)stringformat (uri)
data.object.2.member (single item)allOf-
data.object.2.member.0 (allOf item)objectdescribes a role played by a member and a group or organization.
data.object.2.member.0.typestringallowed ("OrganizationRole") a role played by the member in the memberOf group
data.object.2.member.0.roleNamestringthe role name
data.object.2.member.0.memberOfobjectthe org or group where the role is performed
data.object.2.member.0.memberstringmember object or id format (uri)
data.object.2.member.0.startDatestringdate the member began performing this role format (date-time)
data.object.2.member.0.endDatestringdate the member stopped performing the role format (date-time)
data.object.2.member.1 (allOf item)objecta membership relationship. Subclass of OrganizationRole
data.object.2.member.1.typestringallowed ("RealEstateTeamMembership") a member of a real estate team
data.object.2.member.1.roleNamestringallowed ("TeamMember", "TeamAdmin", "TeamOwner")
data.object.2.member.1.memberOfstringformat (uri)
data.object.2.member.1.memberstringformat (uri)


timestringdate & time the event was produced format (date-time)
agentstringif you are a multi-tenant app, then the agent is the user associated with the event data. any future events related to this message will be sent to the same agent/recipient format (uri)
instrumentstringthe app or service that produced the event on behalf of the agent/user format (uri)
sourcestringa copy of the event was sent to the source(s). format (uri)
originalRecipientstringthe originalRecipient helps you determine the subscription that delivered the event to you. if the originalRecipient is the same as the agent, then the you are subscribed to the agent. if the originalRecipient is different from the agent, then you are subscribed to the event source format (uri)
idstringthe Event ID (aka "Publish ID") is the immutable canonical identifier for the event. it is a URI that is unique to the event and will not change. all subscribers will receive the same id for the same event. format (uri)
@idstringformat (uri)
