

a consumer (agent) unsubscribes to email or sms for a specific agent (object)

Payload Example(s) (generated)

  "topic": "realestate/marketingpreferences#unsubscribe",
  "data": {
    "type": "UnsubscribeAction",
    "object": null,
    "agent": {
      "type": "Contact",
      "email": "",
      "identifier": {
        "hsfconsumerid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "participant": [
        "roleName": "SubscriptionProvider",
        "id": "",
        "additionalProperty": {
          "isCompanyQueue": true


topicstringconst ("realestate/marketingpreferences#unsubscribe")
data.0 (allOf item)objectAn action performed by a direct agent and indirect participants upon a direct object. Optionally happens at a location with the help of an inanimate instrument. The execution of the action may produce a result. Specific action sub-type documentation specifies the exact expectation of each argument/role.
data.0.typestringthe action type
data.0.objectanyitem on which the action is carried out
data.1 (allOf item)-the consumer (agent) has unsubscribed to content from the participant with roleName SubscriptionProvider.
data.1.typestringallowed ("UnsubscribeAction")
data.1.agentobjectthe subscriber
data.1.participantarray<object>the subscription provider, an Agent, Team, Office or Organization
data.1.participant.roleNamestringallowed ("SubscriptionProvider")
data.1.participant.idstringformat (uri)


timestringdate & time the event was produced format (date-time)
agentstringif you are a multi-tenant app, then the agent is the user associated with the event data. any future events related to this message will be sent to the same agent/recipient format (uri)
instrumentstringthe app or service that produced the event on behalf of the agent/user format (uri)
sourcestringa copy of the event was sent to the source(s). format (uri)
originalRecipientstringthe originalRecipient helps you determine the subscription that delivered the event to you. if the originalRecipient is the same as the agent, then the you are subscribed to the agent. if the originalRecipient is different from the agent, then you are subscribed to the event source format (uri)
idstringthe Event ID (aka "Publish ID") is the immutable canonical identifier for the event. it is a URI that is unique to the event and will not change. all subscribers will receive the same id for the same event. format (uri)
@idstringformat (uri)
